Thursday, 23 May 2019

Watch this video about 
The importance of the Internet for seniors and do the exercise. Click on.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019


Listen to the podcast and answer the questions. Click on here

1. The agency has been operating for nearly _______

2. John and Barbara have always aimed to offer clients a _______

3. Nearly a third of the agency’s sitters have worked in the _______
4. John helps Barbara do some of the _______

5. John ensures that sitters do not have a _______
6. Each class on the babysitting course lasts _______

7. Participants practise nappy changing skills on a _______
8. When learning how to deal with older children participants do a lot of _______

Thursday, 16 May 2019

Written Mediation

Plan Nacional de Ciudades Inteligentes
Visionado 2 veces + 15' resumen de las ideas principales. 90-100 palabras

Wednesday, 15 May 2019


A new channel to practise for your oral test (Speaking) by Marek Connell
Look at other topics in the channel

Also, you can go to his webpage with a special part for EOI Tests. Click on here!

This blog can also be helpful. Click on here

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019

On The Trail Disappearing glaciers CBS News

UNIT 5 - Vocabulary - Environmental Issues
Listen to the words and learn the pronunciation

1 How far have Conor and Dan been walking before reaching their destination in Montana’s Glacier National Park?
2 What does Dan compare rephotography to?
3 When will the glaciers in Montana’s Glacier National Park have disappeared?
4 How will Dan feel if glaciers disappear?
5 How far has the glacier in Kenai Fjords retreated in 2016?
6 What are the photos of glaciers being used for these days?

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Curso 2018/2018

Información sobre las pruebas de certificación incluyendo la nueva destreza "Mediation" 
Click on here