Saturday 12 December 2015

Monday 30 November 2015

Black Friday, Cyber Monday Start US Holiday Shopping

Listen to the podcast
  What are these numbers about? 
20-30 % / 183.8 / $2.7-3 / 24 / 60 / 94.2 / $805 / $630.5/ $14.3

Tuesday 24 November 2015

A Brief History of the 5-cent Bag Tax

Watch the video and note down or try to remember all the ideas tried in the video to stop people from using plastic bags.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Thursday 29 October 2015


If you can't watch the video click on here
Should children be banned from planes?. 
Watch this story and answer the questions

Thursday 24 September 2015


Test your knowledge about famous names in English
Try this quiz

-...and listen to a conversation about the trend of new names.Click on here
-Listen to "The Ting Tings" singing "That's not my name" and check the lyrics here

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Grammar is important, too

Look at this video about the importance of grammar

Before you watch the video try to correct these mistakes:
1.I didn't do nothing                             7. me and hotel
2.less people                                        8.not doing nothing
3.two of who I've seen                         9.when we've seen must have been them who did it   10. when we've done it and John                                     11.who've done it
6.not doing nothing                             12.If I'd done it how many                                                                                  years will I get?